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Q&A - How to have positive influence on friends and family

(extracted and translated from a lecture given by Dharma Master Hằng Trường in Vietnamese)


I sincerely feel grateful and happy to live in the Dharma. What should I do to help my loved ones, my siblings, and family members reduce their karmic obstacles and quickly attain enlightenment, develop connections with the Buddha’s teachings, live peacefully, believe in cause and effect, and avoid evil deeds? I respectfully thank the Venerable Thầy.



The question is about how one can have a positive influence on those around them, specifically to encourage them to cultivate spiritual practice and how to guide others towards the path of truth, goodness and beauty.

From the perspective of a Bodhisattva, our behavior should always be forgiving, generous, and open-minded and open-hearted. We shouldn't be quick to point out others' faults, criticize them, or constantly judge them. If we do that, how can they ever listen to us? We must have forgiveness, and forgiveness comes from compassion. We should not look for others' mistakes all the time. Forgiveness and compassion are the keys.

So the question is not how to influence others but rather how we should change our perspective, how we should change the way we treat others. Our perspective must be elevated. This question arised because our perspective is still narrow. Therefore, it needs to be elevated. Elevate it to view from the perspective of a bodhisattva. To do that, the only way is to read the scriptures. Why is it necessary to read and recite the scriptures? - Because the scriptures help us see through the eyes of a bodhisattva, leading to an important attitude of forgiveness, tolerance, and generosity. That attitude can solve almost everything. It’s not just about loving others. Sometimes, forgiveness helps open people’s hearts.

Having Empathy is also crucial. Sometimes, there are many difficult things to express within a family. Sometimes they have many unexpressed opinions. We have to sit down with them, listen to them and finding ways to empathize with them.

In summary

For those close to us, we can positively influence them by viewing them from the perspective of a bodhisattva, always acting with forgiveness, tolerance, and empathy. Regularly reading and reciting the scriptures helps us achieve high perspective.

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